Michelin’s New LTX Force Range May Revolutionise the SUV Car Tyre Market


A few weeks ago, the French giant, Michelin, was in the news for awarding its much-coveted Michelin stars, one of the most iconic awards for chefs. It is now back to its core business: tyres. A new range of SUV car tyres has now been introduced. Dubbed the Michelin LTX Force, this is a model which promises to change the way SUV car owners drive around the world.

What’s new?

Michelin was the first company to realise the real potential of the radial tyres: it later became the first giant to introduce unique radial tyre designs for bigger vehicles, vehicles which needsomething stronger than standard car tyres.

Enter the radial SUV tyre. With this new class, Michelin yet again delivered on its motto of innovation. The new LTX Force is another testimony to their belief that the industry is, however, yet to reach the final frontier of SUV tyres.

Areas where the LTX Force shines –

  • This new Michelin tyre will offer better grip, with greater on-road and off-road traction. These factors will make this model a safer drive on almost any terrain which you may encounter.
  • Tyres are pretty expensive, especially when you are buying SUV car tyres. Michelin promises that this new range will have a longer life than similar models of tyres from other companies. This will benefit customers who live in UK’s smaller towns and cities who are searching for bargain prices, and people who are looking for, say, best cheap tyres at Loughborough, will have more options to choose from.
  • Michelin has alsoannounced a new technology. The company calls it the “Compact Tread Technology”, something which derives inspiration from endurance car tyres. These tyres, therefore, provide a greater surface contact area, which in turn ensures a better grip for the car on tricky surfaces and hairpin bends.

Increase the tyre life

Tyres are expensive. Keeping this in mind:

  • Michelin has, in a press release, emphasised that its latest range will have as much as a 35 percent increase in shelf life. This will allow its customers to have an advantage as far as money is concerned.
  • The new LTX Force model will reduce braking distance by almost 3 metres, says Michelin. It will be a significant achievement in ensuring greater road safety for drivers around the country.

How soon will they hit the markets?

Michelin has not specified when these new tyres will come to the UK. However, they recently made landfall in India. You can expect them to reach the shores of the UK by the end of this year.

Make sure you buy Michelin’s latest products from the best retail outlets. If you are not sure where to go, you can check out the extensive range of Loughborough Refurbs Fast Fit Centre tyres and pick the product you like the best.

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